
Workshop: The Life Projects on Environment & Health: Environmental pollution and infants' health

17-05-2023/ Posted by Giulia Berni/

On May 26 the University of Parma will host the workshop “The Life Projects on Environment and Health: Environmental pollution and infants’ health”

The event will delineate the goals, the impact and the overall coordination of the Life Projects on Environment and health. This workshop will be joined by the coordinators of the various projects that are part of KTE LIFE EnvHEalth network with a focus in the field of environmental pollution and children health, and it will be an opportunity for them to share their experiences. During this event the partners of the Life-MILCH project will outline the progress of their work, namely: Professor Paola Palanza, project coordinator (University of Parma), Professor Maria E. Street for Ausl-IRCCS Reggio-Emilia, Professor Anna Maria Papini for PeptLab, University of Florence; Professor Vassilios Fanos, referent for University of Cagliari. Experts from Azienda Universitaria- Ospedaliera of Parma and the Department of Surgery and Medicine of the University of Parma will moderate the conference.

The Life Projects scheduled are:

The workshop has been planned and coordinated by the research teams of the Life MILCH Project. The meeting will be introduced by Professor Paola Palanza, project coordinator of the Life-MILCH Project, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma and Professor Francesco Nonnis Marzano, Department of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, University of Parma.

The event will take place at Aula Magna starting at 10:00 am and is addressed to students, young researchers, University staff and the general public. Participation is free, the registration is required by filling this form: https://forms.gle/Tb1p3bXFABSrZWKo6

For further information:

**Giulia Berni – Ufficio stampa progetto Life-MILCH, berni.giulia90@gmail.com**

