LifeMilch Project
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Federica Piccoli/
The research project LIFE18 ENV/IT/000460 Mother and Infant dyads: Lowering the impact of endocrine disrupting Chemicals in milk for a Healthy Life - Life-MILCH has been funded by the European Commission in 2019, within the financial program LIFE, aiming at fostering environmental and climate-change policies.
The total project budget amounts to about 3.500.000 € and the activities will be carried out for not less than five years. The University of Parma is the coordinating beneficiary of the project, accounted for by The Department of Medicine and Surgery with the Dept. of Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability and of. Associated beneficiaries are the University Hospital of Cagliari - Department of Surgical Sciences , University of Florence-Department of Chemistry and AUSL-IRCCS Hospital for Care and Research Institute in Reggio Emilia .
The project focuses on detecting and measuring the presence of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) , a class of environmental pollutants, in breastmilk and their effects on infant’s growth and development. Following the first screening on about 500 mother - infant dyads, risk assessment models and safety guidelines will be developed for prevention and public health. Based on reliable scientific results, the research project will promote a prevention campaign mainly directed to young woman. Also, a round table to discuss with commercial stakeholders involved in the production of formula milk will be launched.
Through a careful environmental monitoring, the project will verify the strength of actions carried out to reduce the negative impact of EDC exposure on human health. Thirteen specific actions will be carried out.