Life, environment and health projects: environmental pollution and child health
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Federica Piccoli/
On May 26 the University of Parma hosted the workshop "Life, environment and health projects: environmental pollution and child health".
The aim of the event was to explain the aims, impact and organization of the Life Environment and Health projects. With this purpose, the coordinators of several different projects, part of KTE LIFE EnvHEalth network, joined the meeting and shared their experiences.
On this important occasion, the ongoing assessment of Life-MILCH project was discussed by the main partners involved: Professor Paola Palanza, project coordinator (University of Parma), Professor Maria E. Street for Ausl-IRCCS Reggio-Emilia, Professor Anna Maria Papini for PeptLab, University of Florence; Professor Vassilios Fanos, referent for University of Cagliari.
The Life projects presented were: Life CROME with the participation of Dr.ssa Gemma Calamandrei (Istituto Superiore di Sanità); Life MAPEC with the participation of Dr.ssa Donatella Ferretti (University of Brescia); Life GIOCONDA with the participation of Dr.ssa Liliana Cori (CNR, Pisa); Life WOMENBIOPOP with the participation of Dr.ssa Annalisa Abballe (Istituto Superiore Sanità); EDC Group ECHA & Life EDESIA with the participation of Dr. Stefano Lorenzetti (Istituto Superiore Sanità); Life PERSUADED with the participation of Drssa. Cinzia La Rocca (Istituto Superiore Sanità).
The final goal of this meeting was not only to present case studies and the most updated scientific findings achieved by the involved research groups, but also to prove how collaboration between different subjects has the potential to increase the success of an ongoing project, as the Life MILCH. Sharing perspectives and planning for common purposes - in this case, promoting the well-being and infants’ health, improving the quality of the environment surrounding the mother-infant couple by reducing the impact of Endocrine Disruptors - networking and supporting each other appears pivotal in the everchanging field of human health.
The workshop was wanted and organized by the research team of the Life-MILCH project.