Project LIFE MILCH going to have its 2nd monitoring day
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Federica Piccoli/
Project LIFE MILCH will be monitored on a yearly basis. The last week of May 2021 Dr. Yael Meroz, monitor in charge for the project who was appointed by the European Commission as funding institution, carried out her verification of technical and financial compliance and conformity. During two intense days of remote talks the partners exposed to the monitor the state of the project on both the technical and financial aspects as outlined by the documetation produced. Specifically the recruitment and biomonitoring of the early mother-child pairs at the hospitals of Parma and Reggio Emilia. Prof. Paola Palanza (Università di Parma, project leader) expressed her satisfaction about the monitoring results. She also wanted to highlight the dedication to the project by the involved personnel of the LIFE MILCH partners and the team work of reserchers and professionals working is many diverse fields such as medicine, biology, chemistry, neurosciences, psychology, environmental sciences and economics